Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Snow is Here!

Just like that! Winter!  Wow.
I would like to say that I am surprised over the amount of snow that fell over the weekend, but I'm not.  It was bound to happen, I'm just happy it waited this long.

Snow is very exciting in Grade 1!  Just think of all of the snow gear, the shlockey games, the snowmen building, the cold weather, and the snowballs.  Oh, the snowballs.

Along with the snow comes wet snow gear.  I would highly suggest that students come with an extra pair of mittens, an extra toque, and extra socks in their backpack.  These will stay in backpacks as we learned today that mittens tend to walk awayand socks easily  become wet at school.  Both myself and Mrs. MacAleer encourage students to become as independent as possible when it comes to dressing and undressing themselves with their snow gear.  This includes putting ski pants on, jackets on, zippers done up, toques/mitts/scarves, as well as putting on own boots.  Then undressing, hanging up gear so it dries, and putting mittens on the drying racks if needed and storing our stuff safely on the shelf.  This is a very slow process right now, but it will speed up.  If possible, please encourage your child to do the above at home as well.

Our school yard has a small hill that is used in the winter as a tobagganing hill.  Grade 1 students are able to use the hill at lunch recess.    If you choose to, you can send a sled for your child to use at school.  These sleds must be foam (no plastic) and labelled.  Please keep in mind that any sleds that come to school may be broken or "borrowed" by other students as we keep these in a bin in the hallway.  I would suggest that once a sled comes to school, it stays at school.  It can become quite the ordeal if a sled is constantly coming and going.  The students are also responsible for ensuring their own sleds stay safe.

Interviews are next Wednesday and Thursday (November 13th and 14th).  Interview times will go home this week.  If you have any specific time or date requests, please let me know ASAP as we will start scheduling these in the next few days.

Stay warm in this cold weather!

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