Sunday 20 October 2013

Update!Where we are going, Halloween, Education Week, Report Cards, Important Dates

It has been quite a while since I have updated.  My apologies! We are well on our way in grade 1!  We have really started to get into the "nitty gritty" of grade 1, and the students are doing great.  Here are some of the things we have been and will continue to work on:

Language Arts:  We have started guided reading.  This involves myself reading with a small group of students are targeting certain reading skills.  We have also started to write mini-books on each of the colours (these will come home in the near future), we have learned 30 of our sight words, we have learned to print all of the "frog jump" letters and are now starting with the "corner starting" letters.  

Maths:  We are working on patterns right now.  The focus is on more of the tricky patterns (AAB, ABC, ABB, ABA) and transferring.

Science/ Social Studies: We are learning all about pumpkins and the pumpkin life cycle.I group these subject areas.  We will study a Social Studies unit for appox. 2 weeks straight using both the Science and Social Studies periods, then switch to Science. I find that the students are able to remember and recall the information much easier.

Health: We are learning all about Kelso's Choices and how they can help us solve small problems.  

As you can see, we are very busy these days!

Now for Halloween...  
I am attaching the note that will be sent home on Monday. 

Halloween is quickly approaching! 

Halloween is very exciting in grade 1, and we will be celebrating in the afternoon on Thursday, October 31st.  The students are welcome to change into their costumes at lunch.  Please do not send any makeup that needs to be applied as this is a very busy day for me and I can not guarantee that I will have time to help apply it (no blood either).  If parents choose to, they may come at lunch to help their child get ready.  Please do not send plastic swords/guns/knifes as these are considered weapons.

We will have some games and activities in our classroom from 12.30 1.40, as well as a little snack.  If you are able to send a snack for us to enjoy, please let me know ahead of time as we don’t want to end up with 5 different sets of cupcakes, or cookies.  I am only looking for about 4-5 snacks for this day (there is still a chance to send snacks for Christmas and Valentines Day too!).  Please keep the snacks healthy (as possible) and avoid using red food dye. The S.R.C. is putting on a dance from 1:55 3.15. 

If you are choosing to send treats for your child’s classmates, please place all of the treats in a bag so that I can assist your child in handing out them out at the END of the day.  There are 16 students in our class. 
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Report Cards
Report Cards are changing this year!  We have moved to Outcome Based Report Cards.  Your child's report card will look drastically different from last year!  For starters, there are now 4 reporting terms, each subject area has outcomes.that are individually assessed, and it is now End-of-Year Standards   There will be an information session for parents on Monday October 28th.  I'm not sure of times, but will let you know.  I highly recommend you attend if you can.  The new report cards are very different from the previous ones. 

Education Week
It is Education Week this week!  We are celebrating the Arts and all things Education!  Parents are welcome to join us!
Monday October 21 : Celebrity Readers are coming in!  Grade 1 is slotted in for 10.40 a.m.
Tuesday October 22: Art Day!  Mrs. Kristin Hickman will be creating masterpieces with classes in the afternoon.
Wednesday October 23: Belly Dancing!  Mrs. Meaghan Frecon will be coming in to lead workshops and demonstrations.  Triple P Parenting session is from 1.00 - 3.00.
Thursday October 24th: Zumba and Hip Hop!  This will go from 12.30 - 1.30.  This was a blast last year and I highly recommend that if you are able to make it, please come (great work out too)!
Friday October 25th: Gym Blast with House Teams from 2.00 - 3.00 p.m.

Book Fair is also running this week!
Here are some dates to keep in mind:
Mon. October 21st - Thurs. October 24: Book Fair 
Mon. October 21 - Friday October 25: Education Week
Monday Octber 28th: Report Card Parent Information night
Wednesday October 30th: Kindergarten Assembly
Thursday October 31st: Halloween Celebration
Monday November 11th: No School! Remembrance Day 
Wednesday November 13th and Thursday November 14th: Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday November 15th: Report Cards go home.
Thursday December 19th (tentatively): Christmas Concert
Friday  December 20th: Last Day before Christmas Break

Thanks for bearing with me through this long post!  I will try to post more often so please check back on a regular basis!

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