Tuesday 3 September 2013

First Day of School!

We had an exciting first day of grade 1 today!  We have been focusing on learning classroom routines and expectations, and will continue to work on these throughout this week.  The students worked very hard today!  I'm not sure who was more tired after school - the students or the teacher.

I have also started assessing students on being able to recognize both uppercase and lowercase alphabet letters.

Just a few notes about the first day package that was sent home today;

  • Please fill out, and double check that all information is correct on the white regeistration form, and return to the school ASAP.  We can not accept partially filled out forms and every student needs to have an in - town billet.
  • Please fill out and return the Pink Paper to me.  I use this information for direct contact, to help students if they need for spelling family members' names, to help students learn phone numbers/parents' names, etc, and it helps to give me some insight to your child.
  • Please get school fees ($25.00) supply fees ($35.00) in as soon as you can.  The school accepts both cash and cheque.
A few notes about the classroom:
  • Please send a complete set of extra clothes!  Mud puddles seem to jump out at the students, sometimes the bathroom is too far away, or a water bottle doesn't seal well.  
  • Please send a family picture!  When a family picture is available for students to look at, it helps to calm nerves, give a little extra boost and motivation that I just can't provide.

Thanks!  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!

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