Saturday 27 July 2013

New School Year 2013 - 2014!

I have decided to bring the ole' blog back to life for the 2013 - 2014 school year.  For this school year, I will be teaching grade 1.

My plan (and hope) for this blog is to use it to keep you informed of what is going on in our classroom, any important information, publish any notes that are going home, and eventually, hand the keybaord over to the students!

I LOVE my camera!  When I taught Kindergarten, I took TONS of pictures.  However, many of these photos still sit on my camera card or on my computer.  Last year, in grade 1, I didn't take as many photos.    I would love to share the photos that both myself and the students take throughout the year with you.
With that being said, please carefully look at the FOIP form that will go home on the first day of school.  I do take this very seriously, and if you choose to not want to have your child's photo published on wikis/blogs, I will respect your wishes.  However, if there are some family's that choose not to have photos of their child published, I can not publish whole-class photos.  

I will be sending home a letter to you in the next few weeks welcoming you to the wonderful world of grade 1 as well as a postcard to your child.  If your address has changed since June, please email me at

Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!  Let's hope the sun shines!

Hard to believe that in less than 1 month, I will be back to work.

Sarah Parker

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